“All we need to do is one placement, then we can put a downpayment for a Porsche.”
Funnily enough, it was these words that helped push our founders to take the leap and start up their own recruitment company. Together, Shaun, Shaik and Stefan have spent the better part of the past 6 years building something great - a company striving for the best possible culture, process, and product.
But have you ever wondered - how exactly do you start up your own recruitment company?

Photo of the starting team of TRIIIO.
From left to right: Ryan, Shaun, Richard, Stefan, Shaik, Sunil, Quan, and Ricky.
Well, it starts with some teamwork.
“At first, there was no real meaning behind it, just do things better”
- Shaik
Did you know that TRIIIO started with 5 former colleagues? While only 3 are left, they all played a crucial role in helping to realise a bigger dream. With most of them in their mid-20s, their chats were always filled with great ideas and big dreams. But it took Stefan’s presence and leadership abilities to pull these young minds together and provide some focus to their journey.
Process and culture.
These were the first cornerstones to develop - how do you create the best possible product and customer experience, and how do you ensure your employees enjoy doing so?
They began with being as transparent as possible regarding the recruitment process with new clients, going as far as to understand in depth about the client’s recruitment process and really dig deep into their challenges. The whole process became a problem-solving game that the consultants could use to improve their consulting skills, providing great satisfaction for many.
Throughout the conversation, they speak fondly of their failures, truly believing that you just have to face the challenges head-on and adapt your approach as you go along. This meant meeting as many people as they could, asking many questions during client meetings (sometimes so many that customers would get tired), and sometimes only narrowly avoiding some very dodgy deals! All of these mistakes had to be made in order to perfect the internal recruitment process.
“Our culture is our strategy” - Shaun
As with any startup, their first big challenge was the lack of value proposition - how do you sell what you can do if you’re just starting out? A common mistake was to oversell everything, with no real data to back it up. What ended up working for them was the ability for the original team to build trust with their new clients, simply by showing up each day and fulfilling their promises.
To push TRIIIO staff to become trustworthy consultants, it was important to start from within. Shaik notes his own experience of being led through fear - it helped him grow but this was not the optimum way to help individuals achieve their best work. Above all, it was important to create a positive culture to get the best out of their people, regardless of their performance.
“We truly believe we can build a company that is profitable, provides work-life balance, and can treat our people well” - Shaik
At the end of the day, TRIIIO strives to be much more than your conventional recruitment company. All the Wolves - regardless of when we joined the journey - believe in a bright and exciting future. Our main goal is to lay down the foundation for our IT professionals and job seeker community to come into our process as early as possible - we want to provide knowledge about our field before they even know they need it!
So we hope you follow us on this journey to becoming Malaysia’s best technology recruitment experts! We’ve loved every moment, and we hope you do too!